The Foundation for the WA Museum's Purpose and Mission
Our Purpose
To enhance the cultural, scientific and social impact of the WA Museum.
Our Mission
Through increased stakeholder support, ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the Foundation to fund high impact WA Museum initiatives.
The Foundation’s support for the Western Australian Museum is focused on growing the funds under management in its Discovery Endowment Fund; obtaining direct funding support for specific WA Museum projects; and setting up a program of sustainable, regular grant giving that supports the strategic priorities of the WA Museum.
The Foundation assists the Western Australian Museum by supporting storytelling initiatives and major exhibitions, funding ground-breaking scientific research and discovery, and providing the means to acquire new items for the Western Australian State Collection.The Foundation also helps to enable education, learning and outreach programs, and supports activities at regional Museum sites.
"If I ever need some motivation or a reminder why we do the work we do, I walk through Boola Bardip and watch a father and son laugh together at a story in the Reflections gallery, talk to a researcher about WA’s biodiversity in the Wild Life gallery or sit outside and hear the screams of delight as children, and some adults, play in the smokewater at the entrance.
Museums are very special places. They help us understand ourselves and each other. They allow us to express ourselves."