Donate to the Foundation and support the WA Museum into the future

Your support for the WA Museum makes all the difference

With your help, the Foundation for the WA Museum assists the Western Australian Museum to increase its cultural, scientific, educational and social impact and helps to secure its long-term financial sustainability. Your support of the Foundation enables five key pillars of the WA Museum's work: 

Collections and Acquisitions

Education, Learning and Outreach

Exhibitions and Storytelling

Research and Fieldwork

State-wide Activities

Donate now

Your support for the Foundation for the WA Museum will help the WA Museum to explore the past, question the present and shape the future of Western Australia. All donations to the Foundation are directed through the Discovery Endowment Fund and are invested to provide long-term funding to the WA Museum.

All gifts of $2 and above are tax deductible, and receipts will be emailed to you. 

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